mark f. booker
Born in small town Nebraska, Mark Booker attended a liberal arts college where he earned a Bachelor's Degree in New Media and Communications in 2004. He found himself under the bright lights as a semi-pro baseball player. However, his dream shifted when Mark discovered his love of acting and story-telling.
He got his start as a filmmaker by writing, directing and producing his own acting vehicle, the dramedy 'Imitation Life,' in 2006.
From there Mark has notched his place in the industry by starring in indie successes such as the elevated-genre 'Fields of the Dead,' the epic ensemble piece from renowned director Steve Balderson, 'The Casserole Club,' and the award winning sci-fi thriller 'Lucid.'
In 2004, Mark met long-time friend and fellow filmmaker Daniel Stephens. It's with Daniel that Mark has shined the brightest. Creating such projects as the lovable romcom 'PerfectMatch' where he has a popular supporting role as well as served as executive producer, and the charming webseries 'Tuberville' where he also writes and produces and has etched out a unique and quirky style of film.
Mark is now working on producing the quirky etymology kid’s show 26 Words and splits his time between the East Coast and Omaha, Nebraska.
Mark is also a musician where he makes his own music and also composes and scores many projects.